Genesis Worship Center

Genesis Worship Center is a Black-led, independent church in East Oakland. Bishop George Matthews had already received planning permits to renovate empty former classrooms into four residential units, but had not found funding to proceed with the project. New Way Homes provided a loan for design costs and later for a portion of the cost of construction.

The Envision Housing development team re-permitted the project for 12 total units and arranged financing from the Church Building and Loan Fund and Cornerstone Fund for all of the rest of the cost of construction. The project was completed in late 2021 and now serves as a transitional housing program for up to 20 adults. Supportive services are provided by the church under contract from Alameda County.



12 rental units

East Oakland, CA, near MacArthur Blvd

Project Type
Transitional housing for a county-funded program for single adults


  • Owner: Genesis Worship Center

  • Developer: Envision Housing

  • Design: Gunkel Architecture

  • Construction: Silva Construction

  • Owners Rep: Mc90 Development

  • Funders: New Way Homes, UCC Church Building & Loan Fund, Cornerstone Fund

If you are considering a housing development project and would like to discuss partnership options, please get in touch.