Envision Housing partners with mission-driven landowners to build new multi-family housing.
Our Purpose
We seek to greatly increase the supply of multifamily rental housing for all income levels by providing pathways for local organizations such as churches and schools to build new affordable housing without relying on public funding.
With a deficit of over 2 million housing units in California created by 30+ years of low housing production, there is now wide recognition that California needs to multiply its production of new housing near jobs and transit.
We currently work in the Monterey Bay and San Francisco Bay regions, often partnering with land owners such as: churches, other non-profits, or individuals who want to create mission-driven housing but need the capital and expertise to make the project happen.
Recent Projects
Genesis Worship Center
Oakland, CA
Completion: October 2021New Way Homes provided this Black-led community church with a loan for some of the design and construction costs and the expertise for approval and completion of 12 units for a transitional housing program.
801 River Street
Santa Cruz, California
Construction Start: January 2021New Way Homes provided pre-development funding and the Envision Housing team led development to renovate this long-vacant historical victorian into 7 units of permanent supportive housing. The project is owned by Housing Matters and has many non-profit and public funding sources.
Homes of Hope
Oakland, CA
Entitlement Approval: August 2021This project will renovate two buildings owned by Center of Hope Church into 28 units of affordable housing, to be completed in 2024.